Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Opinion on Sir Justin Bieber ..

Hey errybody! So you know who I love?? Justin to the Bieber!  He's so cool. I used to hate him though. Like a lot. I used to think he was.. well.. mean words.. lets just leave it at that. But now I think he's really cool. I like his voice a lot, his songs are always catchy and cute. I like that he doesn't sing about gross things. You know what I mean..
And I've always felt bad for him a bit, too. I mean, he becomes famous and most people make fun of him and call him gay, ugly, say he's a girl. It's sad! How would you like to be famous and everybody just says rude stuff about you? I think it'd blow! I'd hate my life!
But I guess it's al'ight because there's tons of girls who love him. But who wouldn't?? He's a hottie! And he was wicked sweet dance moves! For serious. He's funny, too. He's an altogether neat guy.
And who could forget about his hair? His hair is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Only he can pull it off though. It doesn't look very niffty on other boys. Only the Biebs, 'cause he's the
And tonight his new 3D movie Never Say Never is coming out! I am so stoked! I called the radio station and I won free movie passes for today. Me and three of my friends are going and we're gonna wear our JB shirts. Its gonna be a good weekend!

This is my favorite song by him I think. This one or Eenie Meenie. That's a good'in, too.

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