Thursday, February 17, 2011


So. Today I don't have much to say but I need to write a blog. Hmm.. Yeah.. I really have nothing to rant about or tell you about today. I guess I could tell you about funny injuries.
So has anyone ever slipped in the shower and tried to grab the water stream to save themselves? ...No? 'Cause I have! That's how I broke my angle. I was dancing in the shower one time and then I slipped because its wet and slippery in the shower (in case you haven't noticed) then I was all like, "Ah." and I reached out for the water to save myself. It didn't really work because well.. Its water! You can't grab it! My mommy had to take me to the hospital and get a cast on my ankle. I got made fun of for so long. Especially by my grandma, she thinks I am literally the dumbest person on the planet. She signed my cast, "Smooth move breakin your foot you knothead! love, Grandma" What the crud is a knotthead? Who says things like that??
I guess its not as bad as when my friend's older brother broke his arm. He was pole dancing around this bar on the edge his deck and he biffed it! He had to have a cast on his arm for so long. Me and my friend wrote embarrassing things all over his cast when he was asleep, it was great. So when people asked him how he broke his arm he'd say, "I... fell down.. on....... some ice.." and I'd be like, "Whatever, you biffed it stripping!" It was funny. You should have been there.
Other funny injuries are all around you. There's so many stupid accidents people get on camera. Just watch America's Funniest Home Video and you'll see what I mean. There's also a lot of stupid stuff people do on youtube. Check it out...
See, don't you just feel so much better about yourself after seeing how dumb some of these people are? I know I do!

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