Friday, February 25, 2011

Billy Mays

Date Of Birth: July 20 1958
Birth Name: William Darrell Mays Jr.
Height: 5' 10"

   Billy Mays was born in McKees Rock, Pennsylvania on July 20, 1958. Mays is best known for his television commercails (the commercials of the guy with a beard who yells at you to buy things).
   Billy Mays was a very energetic spirit and became a famous television personality because his upbeat personality and optimism makes everything seem better. The way he shouted happily about the products he was advertising made them seem desirable to the audience.
    Mays was married twice and devorced his first wife. He had one child with his first wife, Dolorres Mays.
    Mays also helped a lot of people. He endorsed products of everyday people and those people were able to make a lot of money with his help.
   In 1999, Mays moved to Dunedin, Florida and started his own company called Mays Promotions, Inc. There Mays began appearing on commercails and soon got his own reality show in 2009. Mays continued advertising and helping people.
   On June 28, 2009 Billy Mays was found dead in his home. Hyperstention and cocaine contributed to his pre-mature death.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So. Today I don't have much to say but I need to write a blog. Hmm.. Yeah.. I really have nothing to rant about or tell you about today. I guess I could tell you about funny injuries.
So has anyone ever slipped in the shower and tried to grab the water stream to save themselves? ...No? 'Cause I have! That's how I broke my angle. I was dancing in the shower one time and then I slipped because its wet and slippery in the shower (in case you haven't noticed) then I was all like, "Ah." and I reached out for the water to save myself. It didn't really work because well.. Its water! You can't grab it! My mommy had to take me to the hospital and get a cast on my ankle. I got made fun of for so long. Especially by my grandma, she thinks I am literally the dumbest person on the planet. She signed my cast, "Smooth move breakin your foot you knothead! love, Grandma" What the crud is a knotthead? Who says things like that??
I guess its not as bad as when my friend's older brother broke his arm. He was pole dancing around this bar on the edge his deck and he biffed it! He had to have a cast on his arm for so long. Me and my friend wrote embarrassing things all over his cast when he was asleep, it was great. So when people asked him how he broke his arm he'd say, "I... fell down.. on....... some ice.." and I'd be like, "Whatever, you biffed it stripping!" It was funny. You should have been there.
Other funny injuries are all around you. There's so many stupid accidents people get on camera. Just watch America's Funniest Home Video and you'll see what I mean. There's also a lot of stupid stuff people do on youtube. Check it out...
See, don't you just feel so much better about yourself after seeing how dumb some of these people are? I know I do!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism?

No, I do not think that blogging is Journalism because journalism is writing more about news and things that are happening in the world. Some blogging could be journalism because people may be writing about things are that happening in the world or media but if somebody is writing a blog about what they did last weekend then no, it is not journalism. Blogging is more of a away of just expressing yourself. You can write about whatever you want and state your opinion on things. Usually in news or journalism, writers do not express how they personally feel about the topic. Depending on the blog it could be journalism, but in general I wouldn't say that blogging is jouralism.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Opinion on Sir Justin Bieber ..

Hey errybody! So you know who I love?? Justin to the Bieber!  He's so cool. I used to hate him though. Like a lot. I used to think he was.. well.. mean words.. lets just leave it at that. But now I think he's really cool. I like his voice a lot, his songs are always catchy and cute. I like that he doesn't sing about gross things. You know what I mean..
And I've always felt bad for him a bit, too. I mean, he becomes famous and most people make fun of him and call him gay, ugly, say he's a girl. It's sad! How would you like to be famous and everybody just says rude stuff about you? I think it'd blow! I'd hate my life!
But I guess it's al'ight because there's tons of girls who love him. But who wouldn't?? He's a hottie! And he was wicked sweet dance moves! For serious. He's funny, too. He's an altogether neat guy.
And who could forget about his hair? His hair is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Only he can pull it off though. It doesn't look very niffty on other boys. Only the Biebs, 'cause he's the
And tonight his new 3D movie Never Say Never is coming out! I am so stoked! I called the radio station and I won free movie passes for today. Me and three of my friends are going and we're gonna wear our JB shirts. Its gonna be a good weekend!

This is my favorite song by him I think. This one or Eenie Meenie. That's a good'in, too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


You wanna know something really weird? At my middle school they use planners as a hallpass. I dunno, maybe that's normal. But at my old school we has little orange vest-like things that we wore as our hallpass. Why do I care if we use planners as a hallpass? Because I just got back from the bathroom and I dropped my planner in the sink. Yep. Now it's all wet. This is no bueno. Whatever that means. I hablo espanol. ...I think? Nevermind. Okay well. I'm really upset that I have to put a nasty, wet planner in my backpack. Not. Cool. See, if I had a vest as a hallpass then it wouldn't have fallen in the flipping sink! Or the toilet for that matter. Actually, one kid did drop it in the toilet one time. He brought it back to class and it was soggy. GROSS. Then my teacher made his homework assignment to take it home and wash it. It was a good'in. I'm listening to Justin Beiber right now. I love the Beibs! Okay, well.... that is all.

My Crazy Grandpa

So today I'm going to tell everyone about my crazy Grandpa. He's from england so he has a british accent and he's really old. He's also a very grumpy fella most of the time. So he's british, right? Yeah, but he hates anyone that's british. He told me he would never watch Harry Potter. You know why? Because they're british! When I said, "Well, you're british, too." he just walked away from me. I dont even know, man. He's nuts. He doesn't understand anything about the new generation, he tought texting was a drug. Yeah, he seriously did. He was asking my cousin, the J-Man, about drugs one day. He asked him if he was clean and started telling him not to do drugs like cocaine or texting. Then my cousin busted up laughing and my grandpa got all cranky and stormed out of the room. It was pretty dang funny.
Another time when I was at my grandparents with my cousins we were hungry so we asked my grandpa if there was anything to eat for dinner. So, he pulled out a 2 year-old tub of freezer burnt chocolate ice-cream and told us to eat up. My little cousin said she didn't want to have ice-cream for dinner so instead he got out a bag of pizza rolls. Then, with all of the pizza rolls still in the plastic bag, he put them in the microwave for 10 minutes and left. The plastic bag melted and the pizza rolls burnt. This made my grandpa livid. Our stupid technology just ruins everything for him!
My grandpa's idea of a good time is riding the bus. That's seriously all he does entertainment. That's where he takes me and my cousins for fun. We usually go to the supermarket down the street and pick up a bottle of chocolate milk then head over to the park to sit on the bench and drink our tasty milk. After that we either go on a relaxing ride on the bus or the Trax. It's a jolly good time!
Can't you see why my family loves him at the family get togethers??