Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Book Of Mormon" Set to open on Broadway

So, I guess there is a musical called the Book Of Mormon that is pretty much making fun of mormons. I mean, OUCH! 'Cause I am mormon. It's about mormonism and in the play they have Jesus, Joseph Smith, and a few other interesting characters like Darth Vadar, Yoda, two hobbits, and an african warlord. I don't really know what happens in the musical, but honestly, it is kind of rude to make fun of peoples religion and beliefs like that.
But at the same time, they made fun of mormonism on South Park and I thought it was hilarious. Still mean, but funny. The writers of the "Book of Mormon" musical got the idea from South Park actually. So it could possibly be funny. The writers of the play are of course non mormon and think the religion is, well, a load of crap.
 Mormonism is targeted a lot in pop culture these days. But the church pays little attention to what people say about them because they don't want to draw attention to themselves. When asked on their opinion of the musical, church leaders said, "The production may attempt to entertain audiences for an evening, but the Book of Mormon as a value of scripture will change peoples lives forever and bring them closer to christ." I like this because they aren't starting problems with the people involved in the production but simply stating the truth of their religion.
I, myself am a little tired of mormons getting discriminated against. Latter-day saints are generally kind, charitable, and loving people. Yet we are so often called crazy because we believe in things like Joseph Smith seeing angels and keeping our temples very secretive. But the thing is, we have to keep our temple secretive and sacred. It's like.. the house of God. It's supposed to be perfectly clean. So we can't let just anybody in, you have to be worthy. So.. yeah. You can't judge someone on what religion they are, that's not fair at all. Just keep that in mind if you ever see the musical.

Link to article:

1 comment:

  1. Here is my take on this:

    I agree. Nobody should judge ANYONE for their beliefs. Religion, especially, if a very sensitive subject and anything as simple as a word can threaten and offend someone.

    But you do need to look at the other side of things. Anyone who is a mormon, or religious overall, a majority of these people believe that any other religious belief is 'lost'. Such as an atheist. Mormons believe Atheists are just.. lost.

    So look at both sides of the story. Atheists, as hard-willed and stuborn most of them are, get offended as well. When we are told that we will go to a place that we don't even believe in? Not neccessary.
