Thursday, March 31, 2011

More news articles

So once again I am writing a blog about news articles. Yeah, this is like the third blog I've had to write about news. No offense Scooter, but it's getting lame-ish. I have a hard time focusing on one subject like a news story, so these blogs lately have sucked. I'm terribly sorry.
So I found a cute little article that was a simple little story about how a boy from california asked a girl he liked to prom. The boy wrote her a song and sang it and played it on guitar for her in front of their entire third period class. She said she was honored, flattered and gladly accepted his invitation. Someone recorded the whole thing and pretty soon it was a widely viewed video on Youtube and even made national news. I think it is a pretty cute little thing and it's funny how some simple act of chivalry can make national news like that. I was wondering why something small like that could make national news and after thinking about it i have a few ideas on why...
Well first of all, it was adorable. People like watching adorable things, like bunnies and chick-flicks. It makes them feel good. The kindness this boy has almost brings hope that they are still nice, good people in the world. We all like to watch movies or shows about nice or funny people. No one likes watching shows about jerks-unless they are funny. But yeah, nice people are great. Just great. I guess that's why this video is so popular-because it shows a kind kid and an adorable thing he did for this girl.
I bet all the other guys in his school are like, "Man, why didn't I think of that??" I would be. That guy is smooooth. He not only got the attention of the girl he wanted but also of the entire country, just for singing a little song. It was a pretty brave thing to do though. It's scary to have to sing in front of your peers, especially when you are a teenager. Dude, especially when you are a teenager singing about like.. sappy love stuff.
Public speaking is so hard. One of my teacher's told me that the main thing americans said they were scared of when polled is public speaking. I don't understand what makes it so scary but I get scared, too. I mean, I can talk to the teacher in front of the class and it's not a big deal but if I am giving a report to the class it's way hard because I always feel like I am going to mess up.
So it just makes me appreciate how brave that dude was to sing in front of everyone to this girl. If I were her I would be flipping out like "Woah! This guys crazy!" well, crazy in a good way.
It is interesting that it made such an impact on the news though. Two teenagers going to prom together made national news just because the guy asked her in a cute way. I don't know why but I find it interesting that so many people care. Like I said though, it is because people like hearing cute, happy stories. Love songs and romantic movies are popular for this reason. The happy endings make everyone feel good.

Missing mother's body found

I found this terribly sad news article on CNN about a missing woman’s body being found. The lady's name is Summer Inman and she was murdered and dumped in the sewer. Police recovered her body and arrested her mother-in-law, estranged husband, and her father-in-law. Officers had to unscrew the system's cover before reaching the body. "It would appear that she was killed very quickly," Police said. .Summer Inman's abduction and the arrests connected to her case have made national news recently. The mother of three was working as part of a cleaning crew at a local bank on March 22, police said. When she stepped outside, she was grabbed and forced into a white vehicle .Miller said that the evidence suggests all three suspects played a role in the kidnapping, but he would not discuss whether they were involved in the apparent murder. Summer Inman and William Inman Jr. were married in 2004 but the couple was separated..Summer filed for divorce and claimed in court that her husband had threatened to kill her if she took his kids away. So yeah that's what happened. It’s a pretty sad story. I mean who knows if her three relatives really killed her but it pretty much seems like it. It's terrible. How could you kill someone over something like child custody that could be worked out? That just shows how dumb people can be. People killing each other over stupid, pointless things like money. A lot of murders occur because of money issues. It freaks me out! How could you take an innocent persons life over money? The quote that money can't buy happiness is so true. What do you gain? Honestly, killing someone is like..... BAD! A horrible thing you have to live with your entire life. And think about the person's family. They never get to see them because someone wanted money or some other stupid thing from them. Like revenge or like the William Inman Jr. guy because of custody issues. I guess the custody issues are better than money problems, but still, they really could have worked something out. He didn't need to kill her. Does he realize that he probably hurt his children too? I mean, dude! He killed their mother. I'd be pretty freaked out if my dad killed my mom. And what did he think he'd do? Did he think the police wouldn't catch him and him and his kids could live happily ever after? What an idiot. Now he's in jail, the kid’s mother is dead and they have nowhere to go. What else I don't understand about this case is that the guy’s parents helped him kill her. How could they do that? They should be more responsible right? More mature? Not dumb bums that help shed innocent blood. I don't know. Sorry to rant but it's just horrible, sad, and wrong. I hope that the guy goes to prison and Summer Inman's family and children will be okay. It's a sad loss.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Book Of Mormon" Set to open on Broadway

So, I guess there is a musical called the Book Of Mormon that is pretty much making fun of mormons. I mean, OUCH! 'Cause I am mormon. It's about mormonism and in the play they have Jesus, Joseph Smith, and a few other interesting characters like Darth Vadar, Yoda, two hobbits, and an african warlord. I don't really know what happens in the musical, but honestly, it is kind of rude to make fun of peoples religion and beliefs like that.
But at the same time, they made fun of mormonism on South Park and I thought it was hilarious. Still mean, but funny. The writers of the "Book of Mormon" musical got the idea from South Park actually. So it could possibly be funny. The writers of the play are of course non mormon and think the religion is, well, a load of crap.
 Mormonism is targeted a lot in pop culture these days. But the church pays little attention to what people say about them because they don't want to draw attention to themselves. When asked on their opinion of the musical, church leaders said, "The production may attempt to entertain audiences for an evening, but the Book of Mormon as a value of scripture will change peoples lives forever and bring them closer to christ." I like this because they aren't starting problems with the people involved in the production but simply stating the truth of their religion.
I, myself am a little tired of mormons getting discriminated against. Latter-day saints are generally kind, charitable, and loving people. Yet we are so often called crazy because we believe in things like Joseph Smith seeing angels and keeping our temples very secretive. But the thing is, we have to keep our temple secretive and sacred. It's like.. the house of God. It's supposed to be perfectly clean. So we can't let just anybody in, you have to be worthy. So.. yeah. You can't judge someone on what religion they are, that's not fair at all. Just keep that in mind if you ever see the musical.

Link to article:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Photography! Yeyuhh Boii!

I the picture that you see above after school one day. I was actually walking down the backway behind my school after basketball practice and I was on the phone with my mom.. I remember it like it like it was yesterday... I saw the spectacular scene of glorious light and quickly told my mother I would contact her later. I hung up the phone and took the picture. It makes me happy. It reminds me of hope because the sunlight is breaking through the dark sky. It is a very pretty nature shot.  
I took this picture on my cell phone when I was walking home from school with my good friend, Lys. We were heading home through one of those little allies that usually leads into an elementary school. Then suddenly, I looked up. There, above my head, I beheld a wonderous boque of sunflowers peeping over the high white fence. The sunlight was ablaze and beautifully completed the scene. I simply knew I had to photograph the sight.
 So I took this picture last summer when I was at my aunt's house in California. We went down by some tide pools and there was a random railroad track there. The sun started setting when we were walking past it up to the car and I thought to myself, "Hey, the railroad track looks pertty neat. The sun's setting and the track seems to go on forever.. Cool. " So I whipped out mi telephono and took el photograph. (Sorry, I don't speak spanish) But that's pretty much the story of this picture. I really like how it looks because it's like... Woah.. Endless. Like endless possibilities..? Yeah, that's just what I personally think of when I see it.